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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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            Microsoft has issued a warning in advance that they will stop giving support the system Windows 2000 and Windows XP service pack 2,on July 13 2010.After that,public support for these products is ofter,and Microsoft will no longer provide service assistance or security updates.At the same time,Microsoft Windows 2000 server service stopping also extended support,and Windows server 2003 R2 will be moved out of mainstream support for the extended service support,which will expire on 14 July 2015.

            For most device Microsoft provide mainstream support by an extended,and concludes with a self-help online support.For Windows 2000,this mean that service pack4 is a last support.User mast update advised to Windows Vista,or Windows 7.Support already expired on 30 June 2005,support has ended on 16 may 2001,and support of SP1 already ended JULY 31,2000.for operating system Windows XP SP2,users are advised to Windows7,Windows Vista,or Windows XP SP3,where its support will be finished first

            Microsoft ended mainstream support service for the operating system Windows XP on 14 April 2009,but extended support will not stop until 8 April 2014.After all versions or XP,home edition,media center edition 2004,media center edition 2005,professional x64 edition,Tablet PC edition,and Tablet PC edition 2005.And support for SP1 is already stopped on 10 October 2006.
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